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IoT is slowly making its way into cities. That combined with location intelligence can reduce costs with waste management, street lighting, incident management and provide better mobility alternatives.

  • Better urban planning

Taking into consideration historical location data and current traffic and mobility patterns while planning, results in future-proof plans which boost businesses and improve people’s lives.


  • Plan smart mobility

By optimizing public transportation infrastructures, such as bikes or buses it’s possible to reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions, promoting a healthier lifestyle for everyone.


  • Manage incidents faster

Knowing which incidents have the highest priority and cross-referencing that information with location intelligence produces the ideal workflow which saves the city and boosts citizen happiness.


  • Spend less on waste management and street lighting

Thanks to sensors, trash levels can be monitored to set up more efficient pickup trips. In street lighting, sensors can increase brightness or dim according to traffic levels and, with the right technology, even provide connectivity to citizens.


  • Give citizens access to data

Open data portals have undeniable benefits. Not only do they empower citizens to better understand the cities they live in, but also provide businesses with valuable data to develop solutions for improving the city.

Use Cases for Cities

Mapify has a lot to offer to

smart cities

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